My selfie
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Hi, I'm a graduate in Physics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, CUHK.

Now I'm a self-taught Software Engineer passionate about creating aesthetic and functional experiences on the web! 😊

Check out my projects through the links!


  1. React Slides Editor

    • Developed a WYSIWYG editor supporting draggable and resizable image and rich-text using QuillJs and React
    • Integrated an advanced version to company product with pdf output, server-stored slides and template with admin panel (“Virtual Job Case Simulation” below)
    Oct 2023
  2. Virtual Job Case Simulation

    • Led a team of 4 frontend developers to deliver a ChatGPT AI prompt powered job simulation experience using Next.js, React, TypeScript, Zustand, React Query, MongoDB, and AWS with 2,000+ users
    • Partnered with HKU and CUHK Career Centers and launched for notable clients - Accenture, L’Oréal, PwC
    • Reviewed pull requests, actively held meetings and set code conventions for coherent workflow in Agile environment
    • Presented development progress and demo to other project teams every week to gain feedback and set weekly goals
    Jun 2023 - Jan 2024
  3. NFC Business Card Website

    • Designed and developed a website for NFC triggered business cards with React, TypeScript and AWS
    • Integrated server-authenticated page redirects with admin page, profile page, and onboarding pages
    • Launched a prototype of the service to 50+ audiences and currently expanded to other NFC-based services
    Mar 2023 - May 2023
  4. Talent Quest 2K23

    • Developed the frontend for a Three.js web puzzle game with Vue, Vuex, TypeScript and AWS - 110,000+ visits and 2000+ sign-ups
    • Led the designing process of the landing page and the game UI/UX using Figma
    • Collaborated and maintained with five developers via GitOps workflow
    • Focused greatly on structuring the client and server-side communications to prevent gameplay exploits
    Jan 2023 - Feb 2023
  5. Interactive 3D Animated CV

    • Developed a glass-morphism themed interactive & responsive web using React, Next.js and framer-motion
    • Implemented Notion API as CMS for easier content update through Notion database
    • Integrated Three.js for an interactive 3D animated galaxy background and utilized Next.js SEO optimizations
    Dec 2022 - Apr 2023
  6. Battleship Online

    • Developed an online version of battleship board game using modern frameworks - Next.js and TypeScript
    • Collaborated with a more experienced full-stack developer to gain constant insights and feedbacks for code improvements with GitHub features
    • Prevented exploits by managing game states and data with server-side authentication
    Nov 2022 - Present
  7. Riot Games Client Login Screen Clone

    • Developed a functional registration and login authorization system connected to RDBMS(MySQL) database using React and Node.js
    • Applied original responsive design and readily utilized React Hooks API
    • Optimized performance by using preloading methods and continuously refactored code for better efficiency
    Aug 2022 - Sep 2022
  8. First Ever Website

    • Developed a simplistic interactive website with vanilla Javascript
    • Deployed in custom domain and improved crawlability by using semantic elements for enhanced SEO
    Aug 2022



  1. Cathay Hackathon 2022


    Frontend Developer & Designer

    Nov 2022
    • Designed and developed an AI integrated inflight service solution app using Figma, Flutter and Firebase for prototype showcasing
    • Qualified for the final rounds as top 20 teams amongst 100+ participating teams with a pitching video of our solution
  2. PLANCKS 2022 Hong Kong Round



    Mar 2022
    • Solved 5/6 masters-level challenging physics questions in the Hong Kong preliminary rounds – in collaboration with 2 members from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
    • Acquired critical thinking power beyond textbooks by enforcing research paper comprehension, and experienced professional discussions with academically excellent peers



JavaScript | HTML/CSS | React | TypeScript | Next.js | Node.js | Figma


English - Native | Korean - Native

Special Thanks to YI Jisoo